Saturday, December 31, 2022

I Am Now Beating Gold By 10.73% Per Year For The Past 16.13 Years

The table below shows the dates and amounts of all deposits to my family's seven brokerage accounts since I started investing in 2006.  The table below also shows how much each deposit would have grown to had I invested them in a bond that returns 17.53% per year.  You can also manipulate the table below in this spreadsheet.

               Deposits    Grew To: 

06/11/22 2000        27043.29 <== Into CESA for Child #1
07/04/12 4000 50815.42 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
07/04/12 4000 50815.42 <== Into RIRA for Me
07/06/26 2000 24578.41 <== Into CESA for Child #1
08/01/02 4000 45193.31 <== Into RIRA for Me
08/01/02 4000 45193.31 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
08/05/28 5000 52934.31 <== Into RIRA for Me
08/05/28 5000 52934.31 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
08/06/10 2000 21052.28 <== Into CESA for Child #1
11/02/24 3000 20386.77 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
11/08/01 5000 31683.74 <== Into RIRA for Me
11/09/23 2500 15474.7 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
11/10/17 500         3062.25 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
12/01/17 25056.11 147334.94<== Rollover from  401k into TIRA for Spouse
12/01/20 -10520 -61777.65<== Rollover to PMCP from RIRA for Spouse
12/01/20 -10530 -61836.37<== Rollover to PMCP from RIRA for Me
12/02/28 2000 11543.87 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
12/11/05 -2000 -10330.48<== Withdrawal from Spouse's RIRA
12/12/21 2000 10122.35 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/01/09 1500 7528.21 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/01/24 1500 7478.41 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/01/25 97745.61 487105.55<== Rollover from 401k into TIRA for Me
13/02/21 1500 7386.33 <== Into RIRA for Me
13/03/04 2000 9800.63 <== Into RIRA for Me
13/03/20 1500 7298.62 <== Into RIRA for Me
13/03/20 3000 14597.24 <== Into RIRA for Me
13/08/30 2000 9054.36 <== Into RIRA for Me
13/09/04 1000 4517.18 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/09/12 1500 6751.83 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/09/26 500         2236.71 <== Into RIRA for Me
13/09/27 2000 8942.88 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/10/28 1000 4410.53 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
13/11/08 2000 8778.23 <== Into CESA for Child #2
13/11/22 2000 8724.02 <== Into CESA for Child #3
13/12/06 2000 8670.15 <== Into CESA for Child #1
14/01/02 2750 11779.89 <== Into RIRA for Me
14/03/18 -2491.72 -10325.14<== Into RIRA for Spouse
14/07/07 1000 3945.19 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
14/07/18 1000 3926.03 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
14/09/10 12224.18 46859.44 <== Rollover from  401k into TIRA for Spouse
14/10/03 2000 7589.06 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
14/10/23 2750 10343.02 <== Into RIRA for Me
14/10/23 1500 5641.65 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
14/10/23 2000 7522.2 <== Into CESA for Child #2
14/10/23 2000 7522.2 <== Into CESA for Child #3
14/10/23 2000 7522.2 <== Into CESA for Child #1
15/01/02 5500 20046.3 <== Into RIRA for Me
15/01/02 5500 20046.3 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
16/12/05 3789.74 10120.35 <== Rollover from 401k into TIRA for Me
17/02/02 -6171.88 -16057.07<== Into RIRA for Spouse
17/08/23 -11548.89-27477.27<== Into RIRA for Spouse
18/03/02 -11000.03-24050.57<== Into RIRA for Spouse
18/08/23 -2033.93 -4117.49 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
19/09/10 33852.59 57848.57 <== Rollover from  401k into TIRA for Spouse
22/01/26 6000 6980.21 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
22/01/31 14000 16251.17 <== Into RIRA for Me
22/02/04 39438.03 45698.62 <== Rollover from  401k into TIRA for Spouse
22/03/01 6000 6875.99 <== Into RIRA for Spouse
Final Balance:     $1,293,995.91   

Had I invested all the above deposits into a bond returning 17.53% per year, we would have a balance of $1,293,995.91 today.

The following image summarizes my family's brokerage account balances totaling $1,293,995.91:

Gold since November 22, 2006 has appreciated 6.80% per year on average.

You can review my March 5, 2022 post to verify the above data through then.  The following link leads to images that show all transactions in all seven accounts since March 5, 2022.  The transactions show all stock buys and sales and neither deposits nor withdrawals:
The following images of all transactions in all seven accounts since March 5, 2022 are numerous, so you can likely get a better view by clicking the above link.


The following image shows the current balances in all seven brokerage accounts:

The share prices that Schwab and TD Ameritrade display do not always match.  So the account values in my spreadsheet are slightly different from the account values that Schwab and TD Ameritrade display.

But the cash balances and share counts in my spreadsheet exactly match the cash balances and share counts that Schwab and TD Ameritrade display.

You can access the folder with all the above images and spreadsheet through this link: